
Windows Phone Is Doomed, Report Predicts Just 0.1 Percent Growth

The latest International Data Corporation report has just been released. The report shows the dull future of Windows Phone platform with just 0.1 growth till 2019. “Despite all the effort Microsoft has put into the launch of Windows 10, IDC does not expect Microsoft’s share of the smartphone OS market to grow much over the coming years,” IDC writes in its report.

While the executives at Redmond are preparing for the final release of Windows 10 Mobile, the well-wishers of the platform are few in numbers. Just a couple of days ago, former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer bashed Satya Nadella’s approach to go with the Universal Apps strategy. Along the similar lines, the latest IDC report has predicted some not-so-happy forecast for Windows Phone.

The International Data Corporation (IDC) has released its worldwide mobile report and hinted that 2015 will be the first year with single-digit worldwide smartphone growth. This overall slow growth is also a result of the dismal performance of platforms like Windows Phone.
“Despite all the effort Microsoft has put into the launch of Windows 10, IDC does not expect Microsoft’s share of the smartphone OS market to grow much over the coming years,” IDC writes in its report.
Digging a little deeper, we find that the average price of Android smartphone to be $219, which is about $71 more than the average price of an Android device. This trend could be attributed to the popularity of cheaper Windows Phone devices like Lumia 520.
On the other hand, the market leader Android is expected to see a 1.4% rise and iOS will remain hanging around 14-15%.
Read the complete smartphone report from IDC.
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