
Now you can permanently remove a game from your Steam Account

Got a long list of the games which you haven’t played for long? And you simply want to remove them? Don’t worry now you can Permanently Remove a Game from Your Steam library. With new perma-delete feature which has been introduced by Valve to its popular Steam game distribution client which you can use to permanently remove a game from your steam game library.
The news came from a user at Enter the Dragon Punch on the NeoGAF forums, who got the new perma-delete feature when he visited Steam’s tech support section.
Now, how you will remove or delete any of your game from the steam game list? Here is how you can do this.
Login to your steam account, Go to Help menu in the Steam client, select Steam Support, and then select Games, Software, etc. Now you have to select the game from the list which one you want o remove and then choose where it says, ‘I want to permanently remove this game from my account’, and then confirm the choice with ‘Ok, remove the listed games from my account permanently’.
Additionally, you can also delete a game by opening the Steam client on your PC then select a game from the library while in Details view (if in Icon view, click Details). Select Support from Links column located along the right-hand side, then click I want to permanently remove this game from my account.
Steam also advise you to uninstall the game you want to delete from within the Steam app first, before removing it from your account: If you don’t, you’ll have to find the game on your hard drive and uninstall it manually. With that in mind, the first removal option is probably your best bet.
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