LOS ANGELES: E-Cigarette Cell Phone Mod for smokers. An American Company was developed this E-Cigarette Cell Phone Mod for smokers. The actual mean of E-Cigarette is Electronic Cigarette.
In case not in Pakistan but in the others developed countries smart phones have been taken the place of keys and cash. Hereinafter these successes, the E-Cigarettehas also been added in the smart phones.
The name given to this phone which was developed by an American company is“Vaporcade”. It can say the world’s first Tobacco (Smoking) cell phone.
By which during the texting, e-mailing and talking on the phone you can smoke cigarette too by the existing cartridge and tube. Inside of this interesting phone the cartridge of cigarette is existed in 30 different tastes which are installed in contact with the upper portion of phone.
The hobby of smoking can be fulfilled by it effectively and easily and the most amazing thing is this that you are able to have 30 different tastes which can select by the desires.
There is another most beneficial feature of this device is that in case the user wishes to use this cigarette as a Hubble so he/she can long the tube of cigarette according to comfort.
That’s why company was developed 2 sets of it which is served 3G and 4G servicesand the cost of them is 300 and 500 dollars. Android Kit Kat operating system is existed inside it while inside of it (Vaping) app is installed.
It is said by company that hereinafter some certain changes in the mobile phone and asthma medicines, including medicines to patients can be shaped pump.
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