
Amazing device has been prepared which can change your TV into Computer.

Amazing device has been prepared which can change your TV into Computer.

Technology success which has been reducing electronic devices size since decade and now devices are available in enormous small sizes, there also in a device immense features were accumulated, it is less expense and took out solution for less spacing at homes, by the a lot of strives and endeavors in like manner a chocolate bar type device has been prepared, which is by fixing in TV completely changed TV in to a Computer. This advance device was introduced by Google.
This device was prepared by Technology King Google and name was given to it HDMI Chrome, which is when fix in TV then TV is turned into Computer’s monitor, while without any wire keyboard and mouse are connected likewise run with the help of Bluetooth.
It was stated by the Google that Chrome device is completely a computer and it is smaller than candy bar in size, and it can be buy only in 100 dollar, according to Google it is an upgrade system, which is very much useful in schools and business, while to preparing this device work has been being run since 2011, and presently for the students “Surface 3” low prices computers are being prepared, especially designed for the low income people.
It was further narrated by the company that likewise android software is for mobile phones similarly Chrome System is there, thanks to which use of computer been easier and cheaper.
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